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Applications are currently open for locally made art, design and quality artisan food based stalls.

To apply select your product type, then your attendance and click Apply Now. It’s that easy!

Need more info? Scroll down for full details.

Need more info?

  • Casual Rate:
    Craft / Produce :: $125 per day
    Hot Food :: $250 per day

    Regular Rate:
    Craft / Produce :: $115 per day
    Hot Food :: $225 per day

  • A casual stallholder can attend the market as often or as little as they choose.

    Your first stall payment is required upon applying with subsequent bookings paid one month prior to your market day.

  • A regular stallholder must attend the market at least 3 times during the season.

    Stall payments are required in lots of 3 ($345) to receive the discounted stall rate.

  • If the date you’re after is sold out, select waiting list as your product type and we can get in touch if spaces open up!

    We try to provide as much notice as possible regarding availability but space is dependent on cancellations so timings can be variable.

    There is no cost to join the waiting list.

  • Each stall is 3x3m.

  • All stalls are located outdoor so we recommend having a marquee or umbrella for shelter from sun/rain.

    You’ll also need to provide all display equipment including tables, chairs, shelves, racks etc.

  • We’re on the lookout for locally handmade art and design based products as well as quality produce and hot food vendors.

    All applicants will be reviewed on the quality of their work, uniqueness of work to the market, and the product mix on display for requested dates.

    Note we’re not accepting imported/mass produced goods, alcoholic beverages, coffee vendors and other hot drink vendors.
